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  • 公司介绍我们是庄臣泰华施,全球领先的清洁卫生产品及方案的提供者。我们公司在全球拥有14,000名员工,为遍布一百多个国家的客户提供服务。我们最大的优势源自庄臣家族诚实可靠的传统,这个优良的传统可以追溯到1886年。而今天个人的忠诚已经融入公司文化的血脉。我们致力于每时每刻地赢得您的信赖并发扬光大这个传统。我们的承诺是为您提供一切能够确保您设施安全、清洁及高效的方案,而不仅仅是品质卓越的产品与服务。因为最终您对我们的信任并不取决于我们销售的产品而是我们公司本身。We are JohnsonDiversey, a leading global provider of cleaning and hygiene products and systems。 We are a company with 14,000 people strong delivering solutions to customers in more than 100 countries around the world。 Our greatest strength comes from our Johnson Family legacy of honesty and reliability, a legacy that goes back to 1886。 Personal integrity is woven into the fabric of our company。 We keep this legacy alive by dedicating ourselves to earning your trust again, every day。 Our promise of providing everything you need for safe, clean and efficient facilities goes beyond delivering unsurpassed quality。 Because at the end of the day, your trust in our promise is less about all the things we sell and more about who we are。作为一个全球性的公司,我们了解所有的业务都是本地化的。正是基于这个原因,我们在全球六十多个国家设立了分支机构。每个分公司都对当地语言、文化及业务的特征了如指掌。尽管国家不同,行业不同,我们为客户提供的服务水准却是一致的。 While we’re a global company, we understand that all business is local。 This is why we staff offices in more than 60 countries around the world。 Each one is fluent in local language, culture and business nuances。 Country to country, industry to industry, one size does not fit all。 But one company does。自1986年庄臣公司率先将清洁卫生业务扩展至中国,到目前为止庄臣泰华施在中国已经拥有五百多位员工为全中国的客户提供世界级的清洁卫生方案。庄臣泰华施中国的总部设在上海,在北京及广州设有分公司,研发及生产基地位于广东中山。We started our operation in China since 1986 with our head office in Shanghai。 Together with our manufacturing plant plus R&D center in Zhongshan, Guangdong and the support of our subsidiary companies in Beijing and Guangzhou, JohnsonDiversey now operates in more than 50 cities。 With our strong geographic coverage, we have more than 500 employees to deliver fast and effective world-class cleaning and hygiene solutions to all our customers all over China。我们在清洁卫生产品及系统上的专长具有无与伦比的深度和广度。 我们能够满足我们所服务行业的特殊需求, 从餐饮服务, 酒店行业,医疗服务机构,零售行业,食品加工行业至楼宇保洁行业。我们丰富的经验使我们成为全球解决方案的发电站。庄臣泰华施致力与为这些行业的客户提供能帮助他们加强声誉,保护自己的品牌以及保持安全,效率和清洁最高水准的任何方案。Our expertise in delivering cleaning and hygiene products and systems is as broad as it is focused。We meet the unique demands of every industry we serve, from Food Service, Lodging and Healthcare, to Retail, Food and Beverage and Building Service Contractors。 Our combined experience makes us a global solutions powerhouse。In each of these industries, JohnsonDiversey offers everything needed to enhance reputations, protect bands and maintain the highest standards of safety, efficiency and cleanliness。我们的清洁卫生产品以及服务领域涵盖以下方面:Our cleaning & hygiene products & solutions cover the following areas:酒店业我们为世界各地的酒店提供全面的产品、系统及服务以及提升他们设施的形象-从大堂、公共区域、客房、厨房至洗衣房。LODGINGWe deliver a complete range of products, systems and services that help to enhance the image of hotels around the globe, from the lobby and other public areas, to guest-rooms, kitchens and laundries。清洁服务业 庄臣泰华施长期以来一直是楼宇保洁公司最佳的合作伙伴,帮助他们简化工作,提高效率,为各种类型的商业、工业和住宅大楼提供保洁服务-从底面至屋顶,从前厅至装货区。BUILDING SERVICE COTRACTORSJohnsonDiversey has long been a leader in helping BSC’s simplify their work and improve their efficiency, cleaning all types of commercial, industrial and residential buildings, floor to ceiling from the front door to the loading dock。零售业 在为零售行业提供最全面的产品、系统及服务方面我们具有悠久的历史。我们的方案在保持环境完美无暇的同时,能够确保最高的卫生和安全标准。RETAILWe have a longstanding history of delivering the most comprehensive range of products, systems and services to retail business。 Our solutions help keep retail environments looking immaculate, while assuring the highest standards of sanitation and safety。餐饮服务业 我们在餐饮服务方面的经验丰富,从饭店、快餐店、中央配餐至机场配餐,确保您的设施符合食品安全的要求。我们帮助您提高您的声誉、员工安全和整体的卓越营运。FOOD SERVICEOur experience is at work everywhere from full-service and quick-serve restaurants to contract and in-flight catering, helping ensure food safety standards are met。 We help enhance restaurant reputations, worker safety, and overall operational excellence。食品饮料业 我们拥有卓越的能力为瓶装工厂、食品加工厂和奶制品工厂提供清洁卫生方案。从独特的设备内表面清洗系统至高品质的设备外表面清洗产品,我们能够满足世界各地食品饮料行业客户的清洁卫生需求,帮助他们确保员工、设施和产品的安全,为此我们感到骄傲。 FOOD AND BEVERAGEWe have unsurpassed capabilities providing cleaning and hygiene solutions to bottlers, food processors and dairy operators。 From unique clean-in-place systems to the highest quality products for open-plant cleaning, we are proud of our long track record in meeting the cleaning and hygiene needs of food and beverage plants around the world and in helping ensure the safety of their staffs, facilities and products。医疗机构 庄臣泰华施在医疗领域的专长能够帮助您确保您的设施达到最高的卫生标准。五十多年来,我们精益求精为全世界各种类型的医疗机构提供完整的清洁服务和高效的卫生方案。HEALTH CAREJohnsonDiversey’s expertise in healthcare helps customers ensure that their facilities are up to the highest sanitary standards。 For more than 50 years, we’ve delivered complete hygiene services and effective cleaning solutions, meeting or exceeding the requirements of all types of healthcare facilities throughout the world。分销代理 我们与不同类型的代理伙伴合作,因此我们能够为所有的客户,无论何地或何种规模,提供最合适的清洁卫生方案。CHANNEL PARTNERSTo provide the best possible cleaning and hygiene solutions for all customers, wherever and whatever size thy are, we work in tandem with a variety of distribution partners。 This enables us to tailor the distribution of products to the needs of our customers。薪酬福利: 1。本公司有一套完善的薪酬制度及良好的发展前景 2。保险:为员工办理社会统筹保险,包括养老保险、医疗保险、工伤保险、失业保险、生育保险;同时公司为每位员工购买住房公积金、人身意外险、补充医疗险等。 3。作息时间:公司实行五天八小时工作制,并按照国家规定实行假期制度;员工试用期结束后可以享受带薪休假 公司网站:http:∕∕www。johnsondiversey。com。cn公司竭诚为每一位员工提供良好的职业培训和发展机会,具有竞争力的薪金和福利待遇,具有挑战性的工作。我们期待着您加入我们的大家庭。销售代表 Territory Sales Representative职位描述:针对商业客户群体的业务需要,通过日常销售工作维护、发展现有客户,提供现有的或是新开发的解决方案,以实现最佳服务标准。职位要求:1) 本科以上学历,化工、机械或电子等专业2) 三年以上销售工作经验;具有清洁卫生用品销售经验或有酒店业、餐饮业、商业洗衣工作背景者优先3) 工作主动、有责任心、充满活力;沟通技巧良好4) 有团队合作精神 5) 能够面对并承受销售压力有意者请在两周内将您的中英文简历email至:hrjd。cns@JOHNSONDIVERSEY。COM 请注明所申请职位的名称及工作地点。




